Your style matters as much as fashion and fashion in your personal style is something that you are forever committed to. How many times have you stepped out into the world and only to think “oh what can I wear?”… Or have you looked at the TV, taken your favorite dress out and torn it up?.

Ram’s blog is a lifestyle publication that focuses on the things that really turn you on: music, movies and your choice of apparel. Whether it be your favorite blazers or even the dress the model wears in ‘X-men’ I guarantee you will have a great weekend with Ram’s Blog.

Rams blog is known for providing a variety of stylish articles in each month. From our fashion segments that focus on the hottest trends this month, to our opinion piece on the greatest albums this week, my favorite Ram posts are a huge part of my fashion week schedule.

So we are back with Ram’s Blog. I am absolutely loving the color of this month’s issue! Blog: How Not to Make Your Child Laugh Old blog: What a difference a few minutes can make! The power of laughter cannot be expressed as only a slogan or a simple hashtag, which unfortunately are rarely effective. Laughter matters! Whether you are a child or an adult. In fact, in our latest Instagram post.

My advice to you… Read it. This is especially true when it comes to the way humor is perceived and taken note of for the sake of the sake of humor. When you are learning this, it is okay to laugh at yourself or others. Learn to use laughter as an effective tool, because humor is contagious, it can spread from one person to another and this is something many people have forgotten.

There are times that we don’t hear from our children very often, and that can cause many stress and pressure in our minds. Humor plays a big role in relieving that pressure. You never know where it could take us. It helps our children learn essential skills, but most importantly, it encourages the love and kindness in our hearts.

I will answer as I would to the following question “How did you first start writing in the first place” Old blog: I first started writing in a diary in third grade. I started writing in a book in fourth grade and a journal in fifth grade. These were two of the three books that my mother insisted I continue with reading every summer. My mother, knowing that I was not a very good writer, used to try a few times to write a book with me.


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