Diamonds are the best gemstones in the world. They do not break, and they sparkle beautifully. What is your favorite stone? Bullet Points: * What is your favorite stone? * You should think about what you want in a gemstone before making any purchase. Diamonds are the best because they cannot break, and they sparkle beautifully. This means that this might not be the right choice for you if those things are unimportant to you (or if it doesn’t matter whether or not stones can break). -Be sure to consider all aspects of a gemstone before purchasing one! -Diamonds don’t have flaws like other gems do. There’s no need for lasers when determining quality–diamond just needs light, which makes them much easier to appraise than other types of minerals. They also last forever. * Diamonds are the strongest gemstones. They don’t break, and they sparkle beautifully. What is your favorite stone? -Diamonds last forever! There’s no need for lasers when determining quality–diamond just needs light, which makes them much easier to appraise than other types of minerals. They also have a lot of flaws less than other gems do; there’s not need for any kind of laser work at all in order to see what quality diamond you have on hand..just shine some light on it with a magnifying glass and voila! It has flaws like most gems do though. But this doesn’t make diamonds any worse because their strength more than compensates for that one flaw (and strength


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