The world is full of uncertainty. And humans are constantly bombarded with information about the decisions that they need to make. This can cause them to feel paralyzed: there are so many options, and it’s tough to know which one will be best for them. In this blog post, we discuss why evidence is hard to bring to bear on decisions despite our best intentions! -The world is full of uncertainty. And humans are constantly bombarded with information about the decisions that they need to make. This can cause them to feel paralyzed: there are so many options, and it’s tough to know which one will be best for them. In this blog post, we discuss why evidence is hard to bring to bear on decisions despite our best intentions! When you’re faced with a decision where your gut has not yet made up its mind or when you don’t have enough data yourself in order decide what’s right, then how do we go about finding out? The answer may surprise you–we need other people who already took the time and energy into gathering more knowledge than us. There’s no


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