What does your website look like? If you are reading this, then chances are that it is a computer screen, but what if it was something else? For example, what would happen if your website were a book on the shelf of a library where people come and go all day long.


a book, poems, persian poet @ Pixabay

What would happen to your conversion rate if visitors could not read about how awesome you are in only one second as they skim through your website looking for information or products they might be interested in purchasing? The answer is: Not good! This blog post will discuss how descriptive representation can help improve the way you present yourself online.

Keywords to include: descriptive representation, descriptive representation is important, why it is important. If you are reading this blog post on a tablet or smartphone in the middle of a crowded coffee shop, chances are that your website looks different than if you were at home browsing through your favorite websites with all the lights off and no distractions.

This difference is what we call “descriptive representation” – how the information from our site becomes meaningful to each person who views it based upon their environment, situation, preferences and needs. The more an audience can customize our content for themselves (rather than having to use software to present them with preset formatting options), the better chance they have of understanding what we want them to understand about us or our product without ever needing to read another word!


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