Every day, you are surrounded by people. You interact with them, they get to know you better and vice versa. But what happens when this process of interaction between individuals is taken a step further? What happens when the relationship becomes more intense or develops differently than most relationships do? This is where subcultures and countercultures come into play.

couple, love, outdoors @ Pixabay

Subcultures have been around since humans started living in groups of two or more people; it’s natural that different groups would develop their own cultures, norms, social rules, values and language over time. Counterculture is also not new: from the beginnings of human history we can find examples such as ancient Greece’s Antinomianism movement which was opposed to many aspects of mainstream Greek culture, and the Christian gospel which was a counterculture to Judaism. ‘

Both subcultures and countercultures can be found in contemporary society; they’re not just isolated phenomena that occurred long ago or only happen overseas. The majority of people have some kind of connection with one at least – Facebook is an example of how mainstream these groups are today: you don’t need to go anywhere else for your information on what’s happening in other countries around the world!

It’s also worth noting that many times both subcultures and countercultures will share values contrary to those endorsed by their own societies (for example, punk rockers who encourage individuality) while others might seem contradictory but still find themselves together despite differences due to shared beliefs such


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