For many people, grief can be a very lonely and isolating experience. It’s often hard to know how to interact with others when you are in the process of grieving for a loss. For some, it feels too soon or not appropriate to go back out into the world after mourning their loved one. Others find themselves struggling with social anxiety and depression as they try to adjust to life without their loved one.

This is understandable but there are benefits that come from interacting with other people during this time that cannot be ignored! Opening paragraph: Grief is an intensely personal experience which varies greatly from person-to-person depending on what has been lost, who was lost, and how long ago it happened. Some may feel very sad, angry and irritable. Others may feel numb or in a state of shock.

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There are other stages that grieving people go through before they can get to the point where they know how to interact with others again after their loss., It’s understandable for someone who has been bereaved not to want to be around other people right away–the last thing on earth one wants is an awkward conversation about what happened when all they really want is some space from it until things come back into focus.

It feels too soon, like there hasn’t been enough time since your loved one passed away, But interacting with others during this difficult time can do more than just provide relief from loneliness – sometimes these interactions will help you find new meaning.


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