At the age of 50, I thought I was dying of a broken hip. For several weeks, my life was a living hell. Fortunately, my doctor was on my side and sent me back home to get some additional opinions. I had already had one surgery for my hip. My doctor sent me back for another operation. I was told that it wasn’t really necessary.

I recently learned that my last physical therapy visit could have really been of a positive outcome. The orthopedic nurse told me I was going to be able to do my therapy with a walker in my arms. It has to say that I didnt hesitate to thank her and ask for her job! Old blog: In the early days of my adult life, I had only a limp, not a broken hip.

There are many, many more reasons we are still in the same situation as the beginning. Old Blog: On the day of my visit, I found out that the surgery I had just completed was very painful indeed. Having only two days to recover and the uncertainty of the outcome, I spent my last few days in bed. As I sat in my recliner, a nurse was waiting with a wheelchair to take me to my waiting room.

With surgery, the recovery process can be quite painful. I had to sleep with a tube down my throat for a couple of days. My diet was difficult too. My stomach seemed to be filled with blood while my other organs worked. The constant and intense pain of the surgery made me constantly aware of how much better I am.

There are thousands of reasons we are alive today and continue to thrive. It does us no good to feel as though the reason for what we do is no good. Old Blog We believe that each of us has a purpose in life. We all have our passions and we are all bound by the bonds of time and space. As we are all connected to the natural world, we can’t ignore the reason for what we do.

The way we work, the relationships we build, the companies we work for…We see our lives as a process of growth and changes around us, not linear development. Life is a big circle around you. From the time you are born to the time when you pass on, you are not going anywhere. A great life requires a great deal of dedication as you are constantly changing your circumstances. The only person you can really change is yourself.

No matter what your role is in life, you can be proactive, take the initiative to change things in your life, and make a real difference.


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