It’s normal to feel pessimistic about the prospect of living a good lifestyle because we are constantly inundated with stories of people who died from living well. For instance, it seems like you can’t go a day without reading about someone who ate too many avocados, drank too much coffee, and hit their head on the corner of their desk after falling asleep at work. Lifestyle homes parkside is one of the largest concerns. They may also produce better quality of life, although there are conflicting opinions in these matters as well as some evidence that places with more diversified residents actually have lower quality lifestyles than those who live in denser climates.
In this article we break down the 15 top risks associated with leading a good lifestyle so that you can see for yourself what’s holding you back from achieving your goals. You’ll be surprised at just how much of our worries are based on nothing more than “narrative fallacy.
15 Top Risks Of Leading A Good Lifestyle :
1. Needing to Improve your neighborhood.
As we mentioned above, having a good relationship with other people in your neighborhood can be beneficial for your physical and mental health. However, there are many people who claim that talking with others about their houses and neighborhoods can actually cause more problems than it fixes.
2. Fear of Global Warming.
There is no question that global warming is becoming a legitimate threat to human existence and some studies show that the air quality in cities is worse than those in rural areas. This can obviously have a negative effect on your health, which may put undue stress on your heart and your immune system.
3. Willingness to Live in poor neighborhoods.
Living in a poor neighborhood has been shown to affect people’s health because it can result in a lack of exercise and high use of alcohol and cigarettes which negatively affects your body. What’s more, studies also show that living in impoverished neighborhoods increases the risk of being involved with criminal activities such as drug-related assaults, robberies, and murder.
4. Living in polluted areas.
There is no question that pollution is a major threat to your health and some studies claim that more people die from outdoor pollution than those who die from air pollution indoors. This means that you should take extra care when considering whether or not to live near a factory because the high concentration of people in cities makes them susceptible to these hazards even more than those who live outside of urban cities.
5. Failing to see the positive side of living in toxic areas.
There is no question that living in a toxic area can have an adverse effect on your physical and mental health, but there is really no way to know what kind of location you’ll be living in until you move there. For instance, studies show that exposure to industrial pesticides can increase the likelihood of childhood asthma, but it can also protect you against certain molds and certain ticks which spread Lyme disease. In other words, exposure to pollutants in the air may be harmful to your health but it also has some benefits.
6. Living in a “sub-par” neighborhood.
This is a common complaint made by people who live in affluent neighborhoods because they feel that their neighborhood is not as good as their friends’. What’s more, studies have shown that people who live in poorer areas are often surrounded by better-looking people who have access to better products and services than those who live outside of these environments.
7. Worrying about an increase in crime.
There is no question that living in areas with high levels of crime is detrimental to your health because it makes you more susceptible to various ailments such as depression and certain types of cancer, but it also puts you at risk for physical violence and even homicide. Some people worry about becoming the victim of a violent crime, but the biggest fear is becoming a victim of property crime such as theft or burglary.
8. Living close to a highway.
This is a very common complaint, but there is evidence showing that the noise from traffic can actually encourage people to walk more often. This can be very beneficial for those who live close to highways because it helps them to reduce their intake of processed foods, which could result in weight gain, obesity, and diabetes. Some studies also show that living close to a highway can also protect you against certain types of allergies.
9. Feeling unsafe in urban areas.
Some people feel that they are more at risk for crime when living in urban areas, but the evidence shows that this is rarely true and there is no reason to believe that crime is significantly higher in cities than rural environments. There is some evidence that people who live in rural areas usually have more problems with domestic violence, which is usually caused by how isolated these environments are from others.
10. Not having access to good schools.
Quality education is important because there is evidence that shows that children who have had a higher quality education tend to perform better than those who did not. Some people in wealthier communities complain that there are not enough educational resources or services for students and teachers, but this usually has more to do with the type of school they attend than the kind of environment they live in.
11. Being too close to the city.
There are a lot of people who think that being close to the city is a bad thing. Some people say it’s too loud while others say they’re not safe; however, proximity to the city can sometimes be beneficial and offer some advantages such as lower levels of crime and a lower cost of living. Moreover, most large cities offer decent public transportation, which means you can rely on an affordable way to get to work instead of having to find expensive ways to get there.
12. Living close to an airport.
Living next to an airport is a potential threat for many people who wish to have a peaceful environment. However, studies show that living near an airport is actually beneficial because it can increase your physical activity level through walking and biking, which is considered good for your overall health in the long run.
13. Living in low socio-economic neighborhoods or communities with high poverty rates.
Many people in affluent neighborhoods argue that it is important to live in an area with a low poverty rate and high socio-economic status because it increases the quality of life for everyone. However, there is evidence that shows that living in poor communities can also offer some benefits such as lower crime levels, better schools, and clean environments.
14. Having a low quality of life.
There is no question that people who live in areas plagued with crime and disorder, such as urban environments or neighborhoods with a high poverty rate, are considered to have a lower quality of life than those who live in more peaceful environments.
This can be true no matter what the privilege level of your area is and regardless if you’re from the suburbs or live in cities, so all people have to do is choose to get out of these places and shift their surroundings to one where they can have peace, security, and happiness.
15. Living in areas that don’t encourage walking or biking.
Many people say that walking and biking is important for the health of the community and for their own physical well-being. They believe that it can help to lower health costs because it takes a lot less energy to get around a city on foot or by bicycle than by car.