If you are interested in understanding the secret for an effective custody law like new michigan custody laws 2020, read on. There are many pieces to a good law and we will provide them for you with this article.

Custody laws protect the wellbeing of children and parents that work with their children. It is important to have a policy that provides all parties (parent, child) equal benefits in order for there to be good outcomes. These policies can go beyond just giving parenting time of day; they may also have provisions such as child support or other relevant implications. 

Luckily there are many summaries of different countries’ laws, as well as quality research on how these policies affect family relationships in their communities.

1. Custody Laws Should Protect All Parties (parent, child)

A policy that aims to protect both parents and children is likely to receive more support. A law that protects a single parent or the child may not be as effective because it will not have all parties’ best interests in mind. For example, a sole custody policy would protect the rights of the mother by allowing her to keep the children but it would leave out what is best for the father in this situation. Likewise, a father only custody policy would leave out what is good for the mother and focus solely on what is good for the father. 

2. Custody Laws Should Consider All Children

There are special situations in which custody laws should also consider what is best for the children. For example, when one parent is deemed unfit to care for a child or the child has special needs (e.g. disabled or has been abused) then the law should take that into consideration and make provisions for the parents to still be involved in the child’s life. A policy that considers all children is likely to receive more support than a policy that only protects one type of person (i.e. mother or father).

3. Custody Laws Should Provide All Parties Equal Roles

Different countries have different ways of providing care for children. One parent is more likely to get sole custody if they are a stay at home parent or a stay at home mother. However, whether a mother or father want to be the primary caregiver should not determine who gets custody because it is essential for both parents to equally share in the care of their child(ren). The children’s needs should be considered over the desires of one person because if the needs are not met then there will not be an effective outcome.

4. Custody Laws Should Have Provisions for Child Support

Many countries require that both parents be legally obligated to pay child support to the other. In the event that one parent is unable for a long period of time then the parent that is contributing should be given some sort of benefit. Additionally, there are many different ways in which child support can be achieved. Sometimes it may mean paying money monthly or every other week and sometimes it means making monetary payments now and in certain future years as well. What constitutes a fit amount of child support will depend on the jurisdiction’s policy as well as the circumstances of each case.

5. Custody Laws Should Provide a Right for Spouses to be Allowed to Work

The ideal custody law should not only provide parents with a right to time, but also a right to work. In some jurisdictions there may be restrictions on what jobs are allowed, but this should all depend on the individual’s circumstances. The ideal custody law should also have provisions for child care and other activities necessary for the parents. 

6. Custody Laws Should Protect Both Parents’ Rights

The ideal custody law will not just protect one parent (i.e. the mother) because some benefits may be better for the mother or father depending on their situations and goals in life. For example, the mother and father might want to work on a certain schedule and some countries will provide that for them. While most of these laws are meant to give help to mothers or fathers, it is important that children are also considered in this process because if their needs are not met then there will not be a good outcome. 

7. Custody Laws Should Have Ways for Parents to Communicate

The ideal custody law provides communication between both parents and the children. This may include providing technology (e.g. internet) or even giving options on where parents can go if they need access to the children (e.g., grandparents). This is necessary to have an effective outcome because parents will not be able to work together or communicate if there is not an open line of communication.

8. Custody Laws Should Have Provisions for Healthy Parenting

A good custody law will also have provisions for healthy parenting. This may include setting a boundary on the amount of time that parents can spend with their children or setting limitations on what types of activities the children can participate in. It is important that both parents are healthy because they cannot be effective if they are not happy with themselves and each other, so it makes sense that the law would encompass this fact.


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