While it’s important to always be learning and growing in the field of your business tom ferry business plan 2018, there are some rules that should not be followed. These include:

– investing in your own business without a plan or strategy

– taking financial risks without securing funding first

– not conducting a market analysis of the industry you’re entering before committing resources

In order to avoid these pitfalls, always start with extensive research and planning. Nothing is worse than beginning your business venture with no direction, money on hand, or feasible idea of how to run it. A thorough market analysis before investing will help you determine whether or not this will be wise for you, as well as how much time and money you’ll need for starting up.

1. Investing in your own business without a plan or strategy 

This is one of the most common mistakes I hear, and it’s an absolute no-no. It is necessary to put in the time and effort into planning and strategizing before you even begin. Don’t just jump in with both feet because it seems like a good idea!

Before you commit any resources towards starting up and/or putting it all on hold, make sure that there is already a business plan or strategy to follow. The worst thing that could happen to you is trying out an idea, only to find out that it doesn’t work or that it was too hard for you to follow through on your plans.

2. Taking financial risks without securing funding first

This is another no-no that often happens in the startup world. Before you think about writing a check to open up the doors or even try to raise money through investor relations, you should always have a business plan to follow and a strategy in place which will help you know where your money is going and what steps it will take to get there. A lack of funding―even if it’s not actually yours―can cause you to lose a lot of valuable time and experience.

3. Not conducting a market analysis of the industry you’re entering before committing resources

Once again, this is something that is essential when starting off any business. Before investing in your own idea or venture, make sure that there is already a demand for it. The last thing you want to do is invest all of your time and energy into something that no one wants to buy!

This rule also applies to investments and other financial decisions. While it’s important to take risks (especially when running your own business), always make sure that the risks are calculated before you jump in head first. Sometimes diversifying your investments can be just as beneficial as focusing on one specific area or project.

4. Not following rules of etiquette

In business, it’s important to follow all of the rules and regulations that are set by the government. From office etiquette to how you should treat your coworkers and customers, always remember these basic rules. This will help you establish a solid reputation and a good name for yourself in your field!

5. Being stubborn when losing out on business opportunities 

You may be an expert in your field, but that doesn’t mean customers will automatically come to you due to that fact alone. Keep an open mind when it comes to new markets or companies; never be so confident in what you do that you decide not to look at other opportunities out there.

Following market trends is also a great way to expand your own business. Never be afraid to try out new ideas and expand your company’s focus in order to gain more customers and more profits.

6. Not being open-minded while taking criticism from outsiders

While it can be hard to listen to criticism from those who aren’t involved in the business world, it is essential that you remain open-minded about what others have to say about your company and how it can improve. Business is a contact sport; everyone out there knows at least a little bit about what you do for a living, so don’t hesitate about asking for advice when you need it!

7. Seeking revenge or making threats when someone wrongs you

This can happen to anybody, including business owners. When someone says something negative about your company or your work, it is important to act with integrity and speak kindly and respectfully to the person who wronged you. It’s also crucial not to take revenge or make threats when a customer is disgruntled about the product or service you have provided for them.

8. Being too wishy-washy during negotiations

Negotiating is essential in business, whether it’s with customers, vendors, or other companies that supply you with resources. Being too wishy-washy can cause customers to not only lose faith in you and your company, but it can also hurt your reputation. Always know what you want and stand firm during negotiations, even when the other party doesn’t seem to be in a giving mood.


These are just a few of the many ways that you can ruin your own business without even realizing it. Always do your research and don’t assume that what you are planning will succeed without doing absolutely everything possible to ensure success. In the end, it’s pointless to get into this line of work if you can’t take care of yourself and make a living out of it!


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