Bozeman is home to the best theater in the country, but sometimes it’s really hard to get away from everything and find some peace. That’s why I did some research on what you can do while watching a movie in Bozeman that might otherwise be overlooked.
Here are seven small but important things you should observe while watching a movie in Bozeman!
1) On-screen action:
The actors on screen will try their hardest to make you feel present during the story. If they are feeling something, so are you.
If they are nervous, so are you. That’s why it’s important to remember that the on-screen action is not necessarily real. It’s how you personally interpret what is happening that makes it real.
2) Sound effects:
The sound design in a movie can make or break it. Sometimes it can even make you feel things you wouldn’t have otherwise. I recommend listening very carefully to the sound effects in a movie, because they might tell you exactly how to think or feel about something before an actor ever says anything at all!
As an example, let’s suppose that the character of Anna was just saved by her boyfriend from being attacked by a wolf. The sound of the wolf running away might make you think she is safe, but it might also make you think wolves are scary.
3) The director’s intent :
The director wants you to feel something, but sometimes that doesn’t always come across! I recommend getting up and giving yourself a little space before leaving the theater so you can re-examine your feelings about what just happened.
It’s also important to remember that even while you are sitting in the bozeman movie theater, the director is trying to make you feel something.
4) Location and sound design :
The sound design in a movie can make or break it. Sometimes it can even make you feel things you wouldn’t have otherwise. I recommend listening very carefully to the sound effects in a movie, because they might tell you exactly how to think or feel about something before an actor ever says anything at all!
As an example, let’s suppose that the character of Anna was just saved by her boyfriend from being attacked by a wolf. The sound of the wolf running away might make you think she is safe, but it might also make you think wolves are scary.
But if the character of Colleen sees the wolf first, then Colleen’s fear for Anna will be amplified by her own imagination.
5) The basic plot :
The basic plot of a movie is what is happening at its most basic level. It can guide you on how to think about the rest of the movie, but if you only focus on the basic plot, you may miss out on some of what makes a movie great or even worthwhile.
It’s VERY important to keep in mind that the point of the movie is just that: the point. Don’t let yourself get distracted by wondering how it’s going to end, or what’s going to happen next, or how it all makes sense within the story. If you’re thinking about those things, you’ll miss out on the real point of the movie.
In fact, just as a fun activity, try to think about how a movie could have a different basic plot and still be the same exact movie! Then try to think about a basic plot for your own short story or novel.
6) More than one character :
If you have only paid attention to one character so far in a movie, it’s very likely that there are other characters that will come into play later that will give you different perspectives on what is happening.
It’s important to remember that each character has their own desires and outlooks on life based on their background and personality.
One of the most important things to remember about characters is that they are not always either good or bad.
7) Backgrounds :
The backgrounds in a movie aren’t just there to set the scene. They also help you to understand just how a character might be feeling. For example, a character that is standing outside might mean that they are bored or they feel left out of something going on inside.
On the other hand, a character who is standing in an office building might mean that they are trying to climb up the social ladder or fulfill their job duties as expected, but it could also mean they are trapped in a life that they don’t want to be part of anymore.