Project management presents many challenges because of the many moving parts involved. The managers usually struggle to find ways to engage their team and make sure the project is headed in the right direction. The software helps deal with communication gaps, missed deadlines, and navigating a fast-changing economy. There are many project management software available in the market and it is important to know the distinction between them. This article compares Bigtime software vs Monday software based on its features, ease-of-use, and flexibility. 

Both software have the features needed to fulfil the criteria laid out by project teams. This article will help users choose between the two based on how they address common project management concerns.

Features of Bigtime Software And Monday Software

Learning Curve

Businesses need project management software that has a simple interface and does not require extensive training. Monday demo has a short learning curve and new users can get acquainted with all the features in a few hours. It is easy to set up a new account and there is no need to be technically proficient in order to get familiar with the platform. This option is perfect for those teams that do not have the time or money to learn how to use the software. User-friendliness plays a very important role in choosing project management software and helps those companies that want to keep it simple. 

Task Management

Project is built up of many tasks and teams need access to a tool that helps managers monitor all of them with ease. In terms of task management BigTime software vs Monday software are both capable of handling complex projects. brings all the pending items to a single platform so it is easier to keep track of deadlines. Teams can ensure every deliverable fulfills the highest quality standards and the built-in task management module helps managers track, create, and assign work according to the priority level. 

BigTime helps streamline workflows and makes it easier for managers to look after their projects. They have more control over the outcome of the project and the process includes more than just creating to-do lists. It also helps make sure work is assigned equally to all members and there is no overburdening of employees.


Team collaboration is the cornerstone of project management and the software should facilitate large groups working together. The objective should be to help team members keep track of the latest developments and provide their input wherever it is required. BigTime demo helps with collaboration and makes sure all stakeholders, team members, and clients are on the same page throughout every stage of the project. 

Project management requires teams to collaborate and reach conclusions much quicker so they can make informed decisions without missing a beat. 

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Time Tracking

Every useful project management solution need time tracking options to help keep track of the time spent working on the project and Monday demo delivers in that area. It has an hour monitor that records the amount of time each team member spends on their task, project, or for a specific client. Billing becomes much easier because all the data is compiled and ready to be processed.

Time tracking also helps identify activities that are wasting precious time and help increase the overall productivity of an organization. There are multiple timesheets that can be used to process payroll data, calculate bills, estimate deadlines, and track the performance of employees. The platform assists with sorting employee data, which helps when it is time for performance review and annual appraisals. 


Customization is an underrated feature when it comes to project management because every firm has their own preferences when it comes to task management. The system should be configured according to the organization’s needs so it can run smoothly. Comparing BigTime software vs Monday software in their ability to change according to user’s requirements is important. is more flexible and versatile in its settings and can adapt to any type of project.

It provides users with access to different built-in templates that support their inner processes and workflows. The software allows users to access files from different locations using the desktop or mobile app version of the software. They can personalize their dashboards according to the task and update progress accordingly. It also allows users to choose between the list or board view to get insights in whatever format they prefer.


Project management should provide users with the ability to scale up and expand the business without any limitations. Those who want to facilitate the growth of their organization should consider scalability too. Any software with limited features will not be able to accommodate larger teams and complex workload requirements. is flexible and can scale up according to the organizational structure. 

End-to-End Support

One important consideration in the BigTime software vs Monday software debate is their ability to support users throughout the project lifecycle. The support comes in the form of resource allocation, budget management, and adapting changes made in the project requirements. BigTime software can assist with task scheduling and track employee hours too. It has all the features a team needs to manage multiple stages of the project.

Status Updates

All businesses have undertaken the path to digital transformation and are slowly moving away from physical records. Team members want instant updates on tasks or changes in the schedule. The latest project reports help managers make informed decisions. When the team encounters an issue or needs to resolve a bug, they can quickly call a virtual meeting. helps do all that and share information with stakeholders. 


Concluding the BigTime software vs Monday software debate it is safe to say that both platforms provide reliable project management solutions. They provide quick updates on all activities related to the team members concerned. Users need to choose based on which system can help them keep up with the complexities relevant to their industry. The final decision also depends on the team size and budget allocated to the organization. 


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