As the fictional beasts of lore continue to captivate imaginations and break hearts, it’s important for those who love them to know about the species in their very best light. That’s why we’ve gathered together ten things every dragon lover should know. Can bearded dragons eat parsley? We hope this blog post will give dragon-lovers a better understanding of what they love, and that it will help remind people who don’t yet believe in such creatures just how enchanting they are!
1. Dragons were once a widely varied breed of animal –
With many different forms, colors, and traits – but now only 1 species is left: the Common Dragon. They are one of the largest and most powerful creatures on Earth, easily capable of breathing fire.
2. Dragons were believed to be real creatures by some cultures –
Some cultures around the world still believe in dragons, and they’re not alone in that: some western cultures did too! The ancient Greeks and Chinese, for example, revered dragons as gods or very near-gods. Though they were largely similar to how we think of them now, many had more subtle traits than what’s found in modern stories. Sea dragons were said to have horns or fins inside their mouths instead of antlers, for example. Dragons of different colors were said to be of different breeds, and many were thought to hold magical powers.
3. Dragons are also dangerous to humans –
In some cultures, dragons were considered pretty much synonymous with the word “fear.” Those who saw a dragon in their lifetime saw it as a huge predatory threat – not knowing whether you’d be attacked or not. The Dragonlance series describes the terror that dragons can instill in people.
4. Dragons have a hard time being able to control their fire –
Though some dragons have the ability to control it, most don’t. In the First Book of Fire (published in 1989), Skif says that dragons’ ability to use fire for spells and tricks is about as developed as a human’s ability to do so. Thus, when Conn fires his great bolt from his eyes (a spell which can burn out all life in an area), the dragon’s flame doesn’t work properly and ends up creating a giant bonfire instead – which is par for the course for Conn.
5. Dragons can be found living all over the world –
Though they’re mostly found in warmer climates, they can be found anywhere. They take residence in a variety of places: deserts, sea floors, mountainsides, even cities. A few may even live alone in the wilderness. Dragons have been most frequently seen in and around water – possibly because that’s where they feel the most secure (or maybe just the most at home)!
6. Dragons can alter their appearance –
A dragon may choose to alter their appearance to blend in with their surroundings better (which is why dragons are often seen as large snakes), or to appear more attractive and less frightening to humans. In most cases, however, they will likely choose to make themselves more intimidating.
7. Dragons are magic-users –
Though they do have a limited ability to use magic (especially in their fire-breathing), dragons are primarily a magical species. They are capable of using powerful and complex spells. Most of them use their abilities to kill prey or defend themselves, but some may choose to do more useful things with their gifts – like the dragons at the Blue Crescent Inn, who sent out a fake fire signal across the land and helped spread warning of an attack by human invaders! What other spells might dragons be able to use? A dragon named Bronzear is known for being able to heal wounds…
8. Dragons are also natural-born fighters –
Dragons have been known to fight for many reasons: for territory, for a mate, to defend themselves or their loved ones. Most of them will use all their strength in battle and fight tooth-and-nail to the end. But not all dragons are warlike. Tarsakh, for example, is a big blue dragon who’s always loved peace and harbors no ill feelings for humans (he even rescues and shelters them).
9. Dragons may have unknown magical abilities –
Many dragons are capable of using magic for the purposes of changing their appearance, calming or hypnotizing humans (or animals) – but could there be more? In The Flight of the Dragon Kyn, a dragon uses magic to save its rider and a group of soldiers from an avalanche (which they’re very likely not powerful enough to cause by themselves) – can they also control weather? We don’t know…
10. Dragons may have unknown physical abilities –
Even though dragons are well-known for being able to breathe fire in battle or in intimidation displays, many people don’t know that they are strong enough to only partially open their mouths and release fireballs via suction.
We hope our list has brought you closer to the dragons you love and that it has given non-believers a glimpse into just how magical they are. Please feel free to leave us a comment if there’s anything else you’d like to know!