Do you love memes like jeffree star meme kanye, but sometimes feel like you could stand to be a little better at using them? Don’t worry! We’ve got some of the funniest, most informative meme tips for anyone who wants to sharpen their meme game. From picking outfits to increasing likes and views, it’s all here.
10 best meme tips are:
1. Know the rules for a good meme
Of course, what makes a good meme is subjective. But generally, the better you know the rules for a meme, the better you’ll be at using it. Here’s what you need to know:
What’s a good background?
All sorts of things can make a good meme, from posing in front of interesting scenes to featuring funny characters . But above all else, it should always be appropriate and topical. If you’re using the site’s “shower” filter and it’s on your highest quality phone… you’re doing it wrong.
What makes a good caption?
The way a caption is used also depends on the type of meme. When used in a gif, it should be readable and preferably funny. The best captions for memes are those that achieve balance rather than just telling us what we’re seeing, or being too poetic or on-the-nose.
How should the meme be postured?
Memes are hardly ever posed, since they usually take place in real life and require no special lighting (unless you want to be extra meta).
2. Know How To Take A Good Meme
It’s easy to take a good picture of yourself. But how can you become the master of taking your own memes? It’s not hard. But it does require you to know some tricks. Follow these tips:
Look the part:
Take a moment to consider what makes a good meme. What should you wear? Will it work better with your cat, or with another animal?
Stick to one theme:
Always make sure that the people in your meme are doing something. Nothing is more boring than a person just standing there in their pajamas – let alone a whole group of them!
3. Know How To Use A Meme
Memes are great, but much like soap operas, they’ve been designed to be used and re-used. So there are some guidelines for how to use them to your advantage. You should:
Know that a meme can only be funny once. If you use the same meme over again, it will likely lose its punch .
Memes shared online should be neutral . From a business standpoint, it’s better to take a neutral stance and let the consumer decide whether or not they want your product or service.
4. Know About The Business Of Memes
Memes should be organic and happen naturally . Otherwise, it’s not a meme – it’s just an advertisement. If there are too many memes in an ad, no one will remember it. Instead, they’ll just think of the advertising campaign as “another meme.”
5. Know How To Say “Thank You” To Your Customers
It’s easy to get caught up in using your product or service to make fun of the people who use it. But more often than not, those people will simply give you money anyway – whether you’re funny or not. So take a moment to send them some love: more likes means more money!

6. Know How To Use the Shower Filter
Sometimes, the best thing to do is just post pictures of your friends or family online. But be careful – don’t use filters that make it seem like you’re in a different setting than where you really are. The “shower” filter, for instance, might make some people think that you’re in a bar… even if you’re just at home and taking a shower.
7. Know How To Get Your Meme On
Memes have exploded onto the internet in recent years. But, as with anything new, it can be tricky to get noticed. The best way to go about it is to stick with what works . You should:
Use a vertical format . People use phones now, so your meme should fit nicely – even if it’s large.
Fashion your caption in a way that’ll make it readable on any screen . Don’t forget about the occasional smartphone user who might only have time for a quick picture and caption.
8. Know When To Let Go
There are memes that get old fast. The key is knowing when not to use them anymore. With this in mind, you should:
Move on from “in the club” and other club-related memes after two months. After that, they’ll lose all value.
Don’t use a meme in a post if it’s been posted over 100,000 times . It’s no longer funny, and it just looks desperate.
9. Know About The History of Memes
It’s famous now, but back then it was not so popular. It only really exploded after 2006 , when the meme “BreadWinners” (a photoshopped image of a man wearing a woman’s clothes) was uploaded to the site 4chan . The meme took off in popularity on sites like Reddit , where they’re known as “craigslist” or “redditgifts”. Now, there are even memes about them .
10. Know How To Deal With The Ancient Art Of Memes
Of course, these tips aren’t the only way to get started or improve your meme game . But they are a great place to start. And you don’t even have to be a good writer! You can use these meme tips whenever you want. Remember, sharing is caring and sharing is the most important thing for business…
Meme tips are a terrific tool for anyone who wants to become a better meme maker or online sharer. They may seem silly, but they can be extremely useful. And when it’s all said and done, you’ll be the most noticed person on social media.