These nine books of the Zodiac by Michael A. Oates will fascinate you, as each of the books in the series are based on a prominent aspect of this zodiac sign. Each book in the series is an interesting peek into the lives of the Zodiac sign of that book’s author. Books 6-4 are based on the Water sign, as this is where water symbolizes the purity of a river.

These books of the Zodiac from the best-loved illustrators from the 20 century are full of interesting information and should spark a new understanding of the zodiac signs that are prevalent throughout the year. Not only does the book cover a decade of interest, but it also presents information and insights that will benefit new readers. To be determined.

I was surprised to find that the Zodiac series is still popular and well-regarded within the world of creative illustration. I will continue to update your information on the zodiac series and the books, and my own, and I invite you to check my online gallery for the latest books available in the series.

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