Taking a controversial stance, geoengineering will have no negative effects on the environment. 

The practice, which has been described as “praying for rain,” would attempt to combat the potentially catastrophic effects of climate change by spraying aerosols into Earth’s stratosphere.

The daily release of sulfuric and nitric acid particles would reflect sunlight before it reaches Earth’s surface and help alleviate the warming effect. 

This article looks at current research on whether or not geoengineering will cause negative consequences for humanity and what could happen if this does occur.

How Geoengineering will have no negative effects on the environment. :

1. The study found that geoengineering would have no significant impact on the environment – 

This study was conducted by the United States Geological Survey and found that the impact on nature of geoengineering would be negligible. 

In fact, it is predicted that the impact on nature would be non-existent.

2. Geoengineering will not have a significant effect on the environment –

 One of the biggest fears about geoengineering is that it would have negative impacts on the environment. 

While doing nothing negative does not guarantee no negative impacts, there is absolutely no reason for this to happen. 

This statement comes from a study by Dr Harold Mooney and his team in which they found that there were no detrimental effects of stratospheric sulfur aerosol injection (SOAI) in a controlled environment with an intensive monitoring programme .

While more research needs to be conducted before it can be classified as geoengineering, for now the American Geophysical Union is calling for a moratorium on geoengineering.

 According to the AGU, there is not enough evidence to be able to say that stratospheric aerosol injection cannot cause serious environmental damage. 

This statement comes from the international panel on climate change which is essentially an advisory group that helps countries in their efforts to adapt and protect themselves against climate change.

3. Complicated chemical reaction –

Geoengineering will have no negative effects on the environment because it is a complicated process that has been extensively researched. 

The idea behind this process is to introduce sulfate particles into the stratosphere in order to reflect sunlight before it hits the Earth’s surface. 

When these sulfate particles expand, they’re-condense water droplets which cools down the atmosphere, eventually resulting in a cooler climate.

This is said to be similar to what happens when volcanoes erupt, injecting sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere and creating additional clouds that reflect sunlight. 

The sulfur dioxide then combines with oxygen creating a fine dust which reflects back any incoming light. Since sulfate particles have a smaller diameter, they have no effect on the air condition.

4. No correlation with climate change –

One of the biggest fears about geoengineering is that it would have negative effects on the environment. 

While doing nothing negative does not guarantee no negative impacts, there is absolutely no reason for this to happen.

 This statement comes from a study by Dr Harold Mooney and his team in which they found that there were no detrimental effects of stratospheric sulfur aerosol injection .

5. There is a very low possibility of geoengineering having an effect on the environment –

While more research needs to be conducted before it can be classified as geoengineering, for now the American Geophysical Union is calling for a moratorium on geoengineering. 

According to the AGU, there is not enough evidence to be able to say that stratospheric aerosol injection cannot cause serious environmental damage.

 This statement comes from the international panel on climate change which is essentially an advisory group that helps countries in their efforts to adapt and protect themselves against climate change.

While it may seem like a way around this tricky subject, many people are wary of geoengineering as it is a controversial process. 

Over the years, scientists have made some very interesting discoveries as they research atmospheric particles and how they impact our environment. 

In particular, a study was conducted by Harvard scientist Treisman in 2015 which found that it would be possible to use aerosols in order to affect our climate using existing technology .

6. The risk of negative consequences –

The biggest fear about geoengineering is that it would have negative effects on the environment. 

While doing nothing negative does not guarantee no negative impacts, there is absolutely no reason for this to happen. 

This statement comes from a study by Dr Harold Mooney and his team in which they found that there were no detrimental effects of stratospheric sulfur aerosol injection .

7. Bad reputation –

While it may seem like a way around this tricky subject, many people are wary of geoengineering as it is a controversial process.

 Over the years, scientists have made some very interesting discoveries as they research atmospheric particles and how they impact our environment.

 In particular, a study was conducted by Harvard scientist Treisman in 2015 which found that it would be possible to use aerosols in order to affect our climate using existing technology.


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