Have you ever been paralyzed with writer’s block? Have you had thoughts that hinder your writing, even though you’d like to write? You may have some doubts about writing or about what types of stories and characters work best for what type of writing. Do these worries mean that you should give up on writing completely? Absolutely not! These doubts are normal and can actually help writers improve their craft. In this article, I’ll outline some common issues that writers struggle with, along with advice on how to deal with them. Let’s get started! Writing about illness platitudes is not an easy task.

Doubts About Writing You Should Clarify :

1. Can I write about my illness?

Yes, you should absolutely write about your illness! Stories are a great way to express your own emotions and thoughts, as well as point out the unique perspective of an individual. Plus, it’s really important to share stories in order to educate people. Even though they may seem like they are sad tales at first, you’re actually helping that person by telling them their story. 

Being able to effectively tell someone’s story will allow them to gain some sense of understanding and acceptance of that person’s illness without fear of judgment or embarrassment. Also, writing is one way you can help with the healing process. Even if you don’t publish any of your stories, just getting all of your concerns and fears out on paper can help you process them, as well as get a better idea of what you are going through.

2. How do I write about my illness?

First, take a moment to think about the way that this illness affects your life and the lives of others around you. Pay attention to the good days and the bad days, and how your inner dialogue is different on each day. Show all sides in your story: the bad days when you’re too tired or sore to do anything, but also the days where you can muster up enough energy for a few things. 

Also, try to think about how the illness has changed your life, and what changes have you made. Maybe it’s none at all? Maybe you’ve been forced to take on another part time job to help with the costs of your illness; this is also important to consider when writing about illness.

3. How do I convey my emotions?

This is a tough question for many writers; there are so many emotions and thoughts that go through their heads, but how do writers put them into words? For one thing, be sure not to convey any negative emotions or thoughts in your writing. Show how you’re feeling great, doing great, or how happy you are with your life at this moment. 

Don’t make the readers feel miserable. Sometimes the best solution is to not show any negative emotions at all. Also, it’s important to show that you are still able to function on a daily basis and continue making plans for your life as a whole.

4. How do I deal with my illness?

This is one of the most important things about writing about your illness: include how you deal with it in your own life as well. Not all illnesses are the same, how you deal with an illness can be different as well. Do some research on what treatments are available for your illness, and which one seems most suitable for you. Maybe some of the treatments don’t seem like a good fit for you, so think about why that is. 

Is it because of cost? Perhaps it doesn’t really improve your symptoms that much? Maybe there are too many side effects to be worth it. Whatever the reason, write it down! Your readers will appreciate knowing why you made your decision on what treatments to go with – they might even benefit from your experiences and make a similar decision themselves.

5. Will my illness ever go away?

This is the hardest question of all. As writers we are often held to a different standard than other writers. Many people will judge us by whether our illnesses will ever “go away.” It’s important that you do your research and learn as much as you can about what causes your illness, and how it affects your life. 

Once you understand more about the cause of your illness, you can think about how you’re going to deal with it in the future. Maybe some treatments will help, or maybe there aren’t any available treatments that are right for you yet. Maybe there is a genetic cause of your illness, and you need to learn as much about it as possible before you can start treatment.

6. Am I going to die from my illness?

This is another hard question to answer. Of course, no one wants to think about their death, but that’s one of the realities of life. The way you handle it can really make or break an illness. The truth is, many illnesses are treatable and do not become fatal. If they do progress, they usually don’t progress quickly enough for you to notice a sudden change in your health. 

By writing about your illness, you are letting people know that you do have a problem, and it’s okay to talk about it. Maybe they even figure out their own solutions to the same problems that you’re facing.

7. What if someone reads my story?

This is a big question – what will happen if someone reads your story? This is a concern for anyone who is thinking about writing about their illness in any way. You don’t want your readers to feel embarrassed or judged by what they’re reading, but you also don’t want them to feel uncomfortable with the subject either. You should always think carefully before sharing any information with other people, whether it’s through email, social media, or a blog post.


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