A long time ago in a land far away, there lived an antelope who was getting dressed. She had been born wearing clothes and never got to take them off. On the day she turned twenty-one, she realized that her life was not going as planned and decided it was time for a change. So she set out to find herself some new clothes. This is a story about how one little antelope found her way into many different outfits on her journey of self discovery and eventually settled on the perfect attire for success. Keywords: did you hear about the antelope who was getting dressed worksheet answers, Keywords: antelopes, long-form content. Real Antelope Facts: The name “antelope” comes from the Greek word for ‘gazelle.’ **Antelopes are classified in to two groups depending on their mating behavior; unisexuals and bisexuals. Unisexual female antelopes mate with all males they meet during a short period of estrus while male bisexual ants may only form temporary pair bonds with females.* *All animals that have horns or antlers belong to this order – even domesticated cows! There are also species within this group which do not have any horn whatsoever such as the impala.* *There is one extinct family called the Palaeotragus


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