Diamonds are one of the most in-demand jewels and have been for centuries. They are typically measured by carat, which is a unit of weight that equals 200 milligrams (0.0070 oz).

There are many fascinating facts about diamonds that you probably didn’t know, so we put together a list! 1) Diamonds can be found on Earth because they were carried here by meteorites. 2) The diamond was named after the Greek word “adamas” meaning invincible or indestructible; this is due to the fact that it has an exceptionally high hardness level. 3) In order to produce 1/4 pound of synthetic diamond, around 4 million cubic feet of natural gas is used.

And that’s only three facts! We hope you found this intriguing and informative, we know there are still many more interesting gems to learn about if you’re interested in learning more. -The Diamond Expert Team

This blog post will include information on why diamonds were named after the Greek word “adamas” meaning invincible or indestructible; how they can be found on Earth because they were carried here by meteorites; and it takes around four million cubic feet of natural gas to produce one quarter pound of synthetic diamond. The team hopes readers find these points fascinating and informative. It seems like there are even more things for people who want to read up on them some more as well


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