Izual is a legendary demon, who was once the most powerful of all angels. He resided in the easternmost point on the world map and guarded one of seven seals. Izual was slain by Diablo long ago, but just recently it has been discovered that he may still be alive! The truth is that Izual disappeared from Sanctuary years ago and ever since then there have been many rumors about his whereabouts. The Mysterious Disappearing of Izual: Part I The new patch for Diablo II has been released and with it comes some interesting changes. One change is that the Easternmost point on Sanctuary’s world map, which had previously belonged to a powerful demon named Izual who guarded one of seven seals, now belongs to no-one but an empty site marker. There are many rumors about his disappearence as well as speculations about what happened during the time he was gone from Sanctuary. What we do know is this: after being slain by Diablo long ago, nobody knows if he ever truly died or not! Part II His disappearance coincides with events in Act IV where you encounter him three times throughout your journey though Westm


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