As I sit here in the darkness, waiting for the inevitable to take me away from this world and into a new one, my thoughts turn back to the journey that has brought me here. It is true what they say: destiny is all-encompassing. There are infinite strands of fate woven together until a tapestry so complex it can never be fully understood by our mortal minds. Yet even as we drift through life without understanding its underlying purpose, each thread leads us inexorably towards our ultimate destination.

mountains, valley, landscape @ Pixabay

Or at least what will be when we finally reach it. Some have a destiny that is great and glorious, others are led to an ignoble end. Some find their lives intertwined with the fate of kings; others cut off from society by nothing more than geography or circumstance. Still other destinies lead us into self-destruction, while only some few can claim victory over adversity through sheer force of will. Each life we encounter on our journey has its own story – each one unique in both joys and sorrows as well as successes and failures. As I reflect upon my own journey so far, I cannot help but wonder what awaits me at the next turn? Will it be glory or tragedy? Tragedy may not seem like much to hope for when you have been


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