Print media have been a part of society for centuries and it’s not likely that they will be going away anytime soon. Despite their relative decline, print media are still important sources of information to many people. They may be accessed by a wider audience than the internet, which is often seen as being more exclusive in its content and distribution methods.

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The following article explores some of the reasons why print media are important despite declines. – Print media are often seen as being more valuable to readers. They have a higher perceived quality than their digital counterparts, which may also be why they’re still more widely read. Readers generally trust print sources more and will spend the time reading them unlike with online content that is easily accessed on these devices, such as smartphones or tablets.

– It’s not just about how many people read physical publications; it’s about who reads them too. The demographics of those who subscribe to magazines differ from what you’ll find going through social media feeds for example. Print magazine subscribers tend to fall within different age brackets and income levels than other internet users which can mean getting access to news stories in this way might provide an outsider’s perspective


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