One of the most confusing aspects about conversion rate optimization is figuring out which variables are important. With so many different things that can affect your conversion rates, it’s hard to know where to start without a proven solution.

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Fortunately, we have come up with a system that will help you find what variables matter and what doesn’t! In this blog post, we’re going to talk about how CRO works and why tube 1 and 2 show the same results in our example.

Different Methods: There are a few different methods that determine which variables in your site or app have the most impact on conversion rates. The first is A/B testing, where you test two versions of something and see how they perform against each other.

With this method, it’s easy to tell what is better because you’re looking at their actual performance side by side. This can be more expensive than some other methods though! Another method for CRO analysis is called segmentation.

In the example video below we show how segmenting customers based on whether they were converted or not then making changes to our tube no longer shows any difference between tubes (since there was none). But people who had been converted before would now be seen


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