In this blog post, we will discuss the process of calculating a confidence interval and how to use it. First, let’s define what a confidence interval is: A 95% confidence interval is the range that contains about 19 out of 20 samples in it if taken from the same population. Confidence intervals are important because they give you an idea for how accurate your data point estimates are (or not). The confidence interval for this data is 0.53 to 0.63, which means we are 95% sure that the true population mean is between these two numbers. For our example data set with a sample size of 20 (N=20), the calculated confidence intervals are as follows: -0.16 to +0.32; and 0.64-0.84 respectively.” *let’s see how they calculate their results below*” *The table below shows our sample size as well as which two numbers make up each end of our CI.*” A 95% CI always has two values- The lower bound and upper bounds; or 0.53-0.63 respectively. This means we have calculated a range where there is only one chance in twenty that


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