You may be wondering what detrital sedimentary rocks are. These types of sedimentary rock form when the sediments from other rocks break down and create a new type of rock. Detrital sedimentary rocks can also form from organic materials like plants and animals, but they don’t make up any significant portion of the Earth’s crust.

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In this blog post, we will go over some different types of these detrital sedimentary rocks that you may encounter in your day to day life! *Types of Detrital Sedimentary Rocks: -Sedimentary Limestone: This type of sedimentary rock is formed when the shells and skeletons from marine organisms break down in a warm, shallow sea.

As they decompose, lime carbonate forms around them. Eventually these fossils are buried under new sediments which continue to build up on top until an entire reef has been created. These reefs can be found all over the world today!

-Sandstone: In this type of detrital sedimentary rock, sand grains have cemented together during one or more episodes where there was low water flow like at the bottom of a lakebed or seabed. The individual components that make up sandstones will vary depending


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