Dendrites are branching extensions of neurons that receive messages from other cells. Dendrites are the part of a neuron that is responsible for receiving input from other nerve cells. They have specialized receptors, called dendritic spines, on their surface which change shape to store information and transmit it to the cell body and axon when stimulated. These spines can be up to 100 times thinner than its diameter! This is a paragraph. The text continues below: Dendrites also have an impact on the neuron’s ability to fire an action potential. When they are stimulated, dendrites release chemicals called neurotransmitters that stimulate or inhibit other nearby cells. This not only causes new signals to be sent but can affect how frequently neurons may fire as well! Without these spines and their sensitivity when it comes to input from other nerve cells, our brains wouldn’t function in quite the same way! The next sentence of this blog post content will continue here once you click “Add More Content.” It has been saved for later editing until then: –> [add more content] –> . Writing Text Below Here ..


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