Conversion rate optimization is a crucial part of any business. If you have a website, then it should be your number one priority to increase the conversion rates on that site. This article will give 11 steps to help improve conversions and generate more revenue for your business! Step #11: Social Proof (Be aware of your competitors) Social proof is a concept that states we are an inextricable part of society, and the behavior of others has significant impact on our own actions. That theory was popularized by psychologist Robert Cialdini’s book Influence, which outlines principles for persuading people to change their attitudes or behaviors. One example from that text is teachers who learn they have students with high standardized test scores will tend to pass out copies of those tests rather than ones given two years ago because it makes them appear effective. Essentially, when you see someone else doing something, you’ll be more likely to do it yourself if you think he or she is likeminded enough.


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