A monogram is a design that has been created by combining two or more letters to create one symbol. This can be done in various ways, but the most common way is when you take the first letter of your name and combine it with the last letter. Monograms are used by artists for many reasons, but primarily because they are easy to identify with and recognizable as their own work.

girl, face, colorful @ Pixabay

A monogram is a design that has been created by combining two or more letters to create one symbol. This can be done in various ways, but the most common way is when you take the first letter of your name and combine it with the last letter. Monograms are used by artists for many reasons, but primarily because they are easy to identify with and recognizable as their own work.

On her website, Jeni Alexandra tells us how she uses them: “I like to put my initials on things I’ve made.” She says this not only so people know who made what but also so she knows which item belongs to whom. The reason these designs have come back into fashion recently is because using them makes it easier than ever.


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