Symmetry and proportion are two aspects of artistic design that may not be obvious to the casual observer. Symmetry is when everything on one side of a line or plane looks the same as what’s on the other side, whereas proportion is about how different parts relate to each other.

architecture, building, geometric @ Pixabay

Why do these concepts matter?

Let’s find out! Symmetry is important because it provides a sense of order and balance. People find symmetry pleasing to the eye, which has an effect on how they feel about what they’re looking at. Symmetrical objects are said to be more attractive than those that are not symmetrical. If you want your design to have visual weight and be stable, using symmetry will help achieve this goal. Proportion also plays into aesthetics as well as functionality. The parts of an object should relate in size according to their position within the whole (e.g., if one side is larger than another). This helps create a natural look while making sure everything feels balanced from every angle – no matter where you stand or sit.


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