A video from the Berlin-based news agency has gone viral after they showed a woman asking people to share their thoughts on the current presidential election on Facebook. The video was uploaded to Facebook by a student who was curious to see the reaction of his fellow students. It shows the reactions of hundreds of users in a short span of time as the woman asks them whether they are voting for Hillary Clinton or Trump.

It’s not the first time that news agencies have posted videos like this, but it is the third time that Berlin’s news agency has done it (the first two were a video of the Berlin wall being torn down, and a video of a man being shot by a police officer).

The Berlin wall video was the first time we saw Berlin’s news agency post something we can call a ‘news story,’ which is a story with a strong political message that contains images of the Berlin wall being torn down. The Berlin wall video shows a man being shot by a police officer, while the Berlin wall story shows Berlin’s new “walls” (actually just a couple of men standing in front of barbed-wire fences).

This is actually a pretty good example of what happens when we use our heads too much. We don’t really know what our priorities are. You can’t really have a single, clear goal in a situation like this, because each of these news stories are just one more step away from becoming a news story. We have no idea what the future is either, so we’re just trying to figure out what’s the most important.

It’s difficult to have a clear goal when we’re constantly moving forward, so we end up with a lot of vague goals. I’m talking about a sense of purpose, but really just a sense of wanting to help other people.


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