When it comes to anxiety, there are many potential contributors like pootie tang quotes. You might feel anxious because you’re worried about a big test, or you’ve got a big presentation coming up, or your boss is giving you the stink eye.

You may be struggling with anxiety as well — it can sometimes take its toll on people’s physical health and mental wellbeing. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to get a handle on these feelings and start taking care of yourself again.

8 ways anxiety can drive you bankrupt:

1. Loneliness

When you feel lonely, it can drive your anxiety up. We’re social animals and our bodies are programmed to seek out interpersonal connections. When you don’t have these kinds of connections in your life, it can result in a very painful feeling. Feeling lonely can also be attributed to depression. Either way, this is an unhealthy state to be in and it should be addressed by a professional or taken care of through healthy means like social networking and self-improvement and bettering yourself.

2. Lack of exercise

Physical activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. When you’re not keeping your body fit by getting sufficient exercise, it can contribute to excessive weight gain, which in turn can lead to depression and anxiety. Being overweight can result in numerous health complications and issues, including depression and anxiety. Exercise is vital for a healthy mental state – so get moving!

3. Sugar

Too much of a good thing isn’t always a great thing. While sugar can boost your energy levels during the day and give you quick bursts of energy, indulging in too much sugar will push insulin levels too high – and this can result in fatigue that causes you to need more sugar later on. According to studies, people who eat large amounts of sugar are more likely to get anxious and feel depressed. Even if you don’t eat that much sugar, it’s important to keep your sugar intake in check, so you’re not fueling your anxiety.

4. Lack of Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your body, mind and mental wellbeing. Lack of sleep has been proven to cause anxiety and stress among many other ailments. Poor quality sleep can result in anxiety because if you’re not getting enough restful sleep, your body relies on a natural cycle of sleeping and waking up. If you’re only getting 2-3 hours of sleep, you’re not allowing your body to recover and it will have a rapid release of stress hormones in the evening, which can trigger anxiety. Try getting into a routine that allows you to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.

5. Sugar Cravings

When you crave sugar, it’s usually because your body is lacking energy. Eating sugar gives you an immediate rush and energy boost – but it’s not a stable form of energy (it doesn’t last long and goes away quickly), so your body needs more. If you know that you’re always craving sugar, it’s time to find other sources of energy and treat yourself to healthier options.

6. Irrational Thoughts

Anxiety can make you think the worst. If a person experiences a personal crisis, such as the loss of a loved one or domestic abuse, they may develop feelings of anxiety and depression around this emotional trauma. If they continue to exhibit signs of anxiety and depression in the presence of their loved ones, friends or partner, they could be labeled as crazy or emotionally unstable. Fear of being labeled as crazy or unstable could lead to further episodes of anxiety and depression.

If you’re experiencing other irrational thoughts, such as “I’m not good enough,” “People are out to get me,” or “I don’t have any friends,” you should seek professional help. While these thoughts may seem trivial when you’re going through a rough time, they could eventually develop into chronic anxiety and depression.

7. Minimizing your situations

When you tell yourself “it’s not so bad” or simply minimize an incident that’s stressing you out, it can contribute to your anxiety by clouding your judgment about reality. A person who minimizes anxiety and tries to “cheer themselves up” by telling themselves that everything is going to be fine, starts to believe their own lies and this leads them down a spiral of self-destruction, because they fail to recognize the cause of their anxiety.

8. Lack of support

When you don’t have people on your side, it can make your problems feel worse. If you’re going through an extremely difficult time or you need help dealing with a certain situation, having a support system around you can make all the difference.


The world is a harsh and unforgiving place. We have to fight the good fight or our lives can fall apart. I’ve seen people who appear to ‘bounce back’ after going through a major crisis, only to relapse into anxiety. Don’t let it happen to you! Take care of yourself and your mental health and be aware that anxiety can be contagious – so spread the word if you know someone who needs help!


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