There are some people that seem to think that “the market never lies,” but the market did exist when I was a child! As a young child, I would sometimes wander about the market for hours until my little sister would come running down to me crying telling me that a person was selling shoes for 75 dollars each and that it was the best shoes she had ever seen. That was back in the day if you can believe it.

I first became aware of a market when I was five years old. I used to run into a girl at the market and tell her all the things I thought about and would like her shoes to have. She was the only person I ever told that she shouldn’t buy anything without trying on different ones before committing to making that purchase. We would talk about it and laugh at her antics when we passed each other in the market.

It is important for men and women to have great opinions and make friends with people who have different ideas about things. However, making strong friends takes a large amount of time to develop. Once again I am writing this from my own experiences on the market and will do this as a way of making amends for the men that I know that have been a part of my life since I was a youngster. Thank you for taking a moment and reading for your wisdom.

It’s important for a man to have strong opinions which you can then incorporate into his life. Whether you share your opinions freely, think in all of your senses, or keep it to yourself, it’s critical to have strong opinions and ideas.

Now that youre no longer buying the latest and greatest you need to make a change. I was a teenager my sophomore year of high school when a friend of mine started getting my attention. For several weeks she was walking around the local neighborhood with a giant smile on her face and many women stopped and stared. They all wanted to hear what she had been telling them.

I was wondering what people thought of the “Sisters of Love” as my friend’s group of friends? What do you think of them? I had no idea what I was in for when I was given the honor of being the “Sisters of LOVE” by my brother.


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