We live in technology on a constant basis, so it can be hard to resist the temptation to just throw it at work or school and have it do the work for you. So what if you could have an automated software development process that works for you? Well, we have three simple tricks that you can easily implement.

Don’t let yourself become addicted to tools that are only marginally efficient to begin with, that don’t offer the benefits that you have hoped for your current tech stack, or that may in the future offer such a solution. You are likely using a tool that you are not satisfied with, but your addiction may be the result of a tool that you are not even aware you are using because you are caught up in the addictive cycle of the tool.

Use these 3 hacks that will kick your bad habits and will improve your productivity while your computer is being worked on. Start by identifying your top reasons your software is slow, is unresponsive, crashes, and your worst programming habit. For instance, most people make the mistake of just using the program on the go. Instead, run the programs twice or even a third time. Then use your personal computers to solve issues.


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