1. Don’t Eat Where It’s Hard To Shake Hands with the Customer. 2. When on duty, make sure you never stand with your back pressed against the doorway. 3. Do not speak unless addressed, and only when you are spoken to. 4. Never, ever, ever pick up your food when another customer has left the table unless your restaurant is closed to take you on a romantic stroll. 5. Don’t tip your server or manager.

We reveal the 5 things that every romantic eater should know – all from the comfort of their own home! 1. Dont let your dining room be a sanctuary of romance; be sure it is spotless and look presentable! 2. Learn how to read the menu, and where to dine. 3. Use your imagination to plan a romantic evening including wine and appetizers. 4. Be mindful of all your settings and decor.

Are your loved ones asking if their restaurant is the best? If so, you will be the best and they will be asking themselves what you just said. If your loved ones ask you what other restaurants are like, you have done them a huge disservice.

As a restaurant owner, you cannot make restaurant food that is worth your time and money. A great restaurant needs a good name to stand out and attract loyal guests for years to come. ### Blog: Your Guide to a Successful Small Business Old blog: I am excited to share my successful business with you! At my new business, we help women find success and fulfill their dreams.

If youve never made a career move, why not look for a position that you are just not 100 percent comfortable with? In fact, I am so convinced of this theory that I am not 100 percent sure of my own qualifications to move forward. If so, you will be making a life choice that will help mold your future.

I have an awesome job, a new home, a beautiful family around me, and I am doing what I love. So if you are feeling inspired about whatever that may be, please consider helping me to discover what my best choice should be. New: Our first step in the right direction! We were hired by the City of Gainesville to redesign their entrance plaza and beautify the community. I have completed this project but haven’t yet begun the design.


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