I’ve been to ice cream parlors in the past. I’ve had my fill of hot fudge sundaes, chocolate-covered espresso beans, and sweet-and-snacky strawberry cheesecakes.

I love the way ice cream is a treat. It tastes so good that it requires more of a sacrifice from you than a sugar rush. Ice cream is also a time-honored, easy way to lose extra weight.

A few years ago, I bought a blender for the kids, and even my husband enjoyed the taste of ice cream. Now, I can’t get enough. To make the most of that taste, I’ve used ice cream to get in my kids’ sweet tooth. I’ll save the rest for another blog.

The ice cream machine I used was my idea, and it is still my favorite.I decided to make ice cream with the kids as part of a contest that they created to raise money for a special project. Ive used the ice cream machines on more than one occasion, but this time I really felt like a chef, and decided to cook two batches of ice cream for them.

A simple, but rewarding project that will forever change my life. Ive recently cooked two batches of ice cream for my favorite child, and she was blown away by the taste. Ive never seen ice cream taste so good before! Im so glad I did this with my family. We had a great time making ice cream, and so did the kids. The children liked their ice cream so much that they wanted to help me eat it.

This ice cream is as soft as one of those lollipop-y candy bars, so soft and smooth, and the taste was almost sickening. There was a great taste of caramel, vanilla, and butter. I kept this for myself because Im not sure where they came from. Their ice cream smelled heavenly. Old blog: It makes you think, I’ve had these before, but never tried this particular recipe.


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