The original cartoon about Tom and Jerry best friends is one of my favorites, but there are so many others we all know and love. Here is a few more favorites to make you a true fan of these animated characters.

If you’re a true fan of Tom and Jerry, here are 15 good reasons you’re hooked.

The new blog will be my contribution to you all! So, in my own words I will reveal 15 ways marketers are trying to hook you so fast on to their marketing campaign. And here is a good chance to let you in on how I’ve personally started engaging on social media networks.

This is a short post about what you will enjoy the most with this new blog so keep up with me and add comments. But I must warn, like most of a person new to social media, sometimes this blog will start with lots of bad stuff, but it is worth every second of it and you should never worry about whether it will be written well.

In this blog I will write about all the things I love about social media. To help with this and to learn why I love it, I created this blog. Old blog: In my new blog you will find out why I love social media and how to set up a social media network.

Get off social media, and start engaging with your spouse. Join me on social media channels where you can get a virtual reality tour of the real life you. Let us know how we got to be so addicted to social media and what you would miss if you dropped it.


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