No matter what happens, in the words of our national poet, Oscar Wilde, “nothing happens to one that is not worth looking at.” With this in mind, here are 14 of the most unusual and fascinating South African surnames you can use for your personal and professional identity.

We reveal the 14 most common names of South Africa and why they deserve their space as the country’s greatest asset.

If you were an animal and you were trying to name this animal, how would you choose the name? I thought of the most fascinating animals in history, like the tiger. My personal favourite animal would be a leopard, however the zebra is a great contender. What about the giraffe? Well, the ostrich is as exciting as any.

Here’s a great story of a man who named his son after the famous lion, and it’s not the first time one has named his son after him. The legend goes, during the Second World War, the brave ‘Grum’, (the name of his boy’s father’s commanding officer in the army), came back to the family. He and his son did not get along.


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