Sometimes people have bad days. But when it’s a bad day, you know it ain’t no joke. We’re talking about days like the ones we’ve been through recently, when a person has been locked out of their favorite social media app or lost their power.

Some folks have been saying that Geovison doesn’t listen or has missed out on some of its customers’ voices but the company has been more than willing to share some of its successes. Among these highlights, here is Geovison’s new infographic.

Geovisons new infographic on its Twitter stream has some more info: Old blog: We took some of Geovisons tweets and made a short blog post about it.

We had an invite to speak at a very important conference (like) and we were told this was the event that we were expected to speak about. So of course, I thought, why not make up some of these mistakes at the conference? Luckily someone had a copy of one of those terrible business meetings notes from years ago and that gave them a solid starting point for brainstorming.

From the moment we set foot on the stage at the conference, it was clear something was off (I’m looking at you, Mark Zuckerberg). And that something was all of you. I mean, the conference was packed! You don’t get that at an average conference, right? These were the people in the most powerful industries. It was an amazing gathering of innovators, leaders and experts.

We had some great conversations. From learning how to communicate about your company in order to grow in our industry, to the first time we have had the opportunity to learn about entrepreneurship from someone we trust and work with as a team, the event was definitely worth it. New blog:We also talked about a few of these important skills that we have in order to succeed in our profession. We all have our strengths that we want to improve or develop. That is, every human has.


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